Get ready for PGR2022 registration

On November 1st 09:00 CET registration for PGR2020 starts.

What to do to sign up for PGR 2022 flawlessly?

  1. You need to log in to B4sportonline account to register. Most of you may have an account already as we used this platform in the past. If not – it’s the best time now to register here.
  2. Your name appear on a start list upon payment is received. Use online payments if possible to get it faster.
  3. The registration form and all information related to the event, in particular the regulations and rules, are available at
  4. Start groups – if you want to ride in the same group with your friends you can arrange it already during the registration. Below you can find informative screens.
    You can decide on start group later on, after registration. Simply go to your B4sportonline account and modify the submission.
  5. We do not collect your preferred start time. We will assign the start hours couple of weeks before the event. As a rule of the thumb, we set the start hours according to the registration time. This is, however, not a strict rule, so no warranties of any kind 😉