Cancelling your entry? You want to give your race pack to someone else?

We are unable to transfer the entry fees to next years.

If you are unable to ride, you can cancel your entry and get either:

1. Money refund (at least one month before the date of the event)

If you are unable to ride, you can cancel your entry by writing to using the same email address which was used during registration providing us your bank account number. Money will be returned by bank transfer within 5 working days with the amount as per the schema:

CancellationAmount of entry fee to be returned:
Till 30.04.202580%
From 01.05.2025 till 1 month before race date50%
Less than 1 month before race date0

2. Voucher (at least 14 days before the date of the event)

  • The voucher can be used when registering for other Koło Ultra events in the current season (subject to availability) or transferred to another person,
  • Voucher is generated automatically once you cancel your participation in your profile on,
  • Voucher is valid for 30 days,
  • Value is 80% of entry fee paid.

Voucher instructions can be found here.

If you plan to transfer your voucher, post your offer on our FanPage.