Answers for frequently asked questions

Start groups

I did not check to start in a team, but I’d like to ride ride with friends. How to change it?

  • Log in to your account b4sportonline.pl/myevents,
  • Choose your event to modify,
  • Click: Additional options -> Edit,
  • Go to section Teams and check Start in team
  • Fill in the fields accordingly. Follow instruction on picture 1 if you know the name of the team. Follow instruction on picture 2 if you create the new team and share it with your friends.

Can I reset a team password?

No. If you do not remember the password you set, edit your registration: create a new team, remember the password and pass itto your friends along with the new team name so that they can join.

Fields Club and Start in team in the registration form. What’s the difference?

The Club entry will be printed on number plates

The Start in team field is only used to put you in the starting group together with friends who provide the same name. It will not be placed on the starting list, nor on the results list or number plates.

Can I choose the exact start time?

No. We do not collect your preferred start time. We will assign the start hours couple of weeks before the event.

The rule of a thumb is that the sooner you paid the sooner you start.


I set the payment but my name is not on a starting list. What to do?

We are doing our best to update the list on a daily basis. However, if after 3 days from payment you are not on a list, check that your transfer was done right first and then contact us.

Where can I find the bank account number and transfer details?

Bank account number and transfer details you can find at the bottom of a page pgr.kolo-ultra.pl/registration


Can I book the stay at Glodowka for the night after / before the event?

You can book the stay for the nights before/after the event directly at Glodowka.

GPS / tracks / maps

What is a GPS logger and how can I get it?

GPS logger is a device to record your activity during the race. Usually it is a Garmin or Garmin-like device, smartwatch or smartphone. It is due to the PGR regulation saying that “Organizer has the right to demand proof that the participant has completed the entire route of the Marathon”. Luckily, we don’t have too many such cases.

Where can I download the race route from?
Can you provide the splitted track files?

No. We can’t get this part of the race preparation out of your heads. Take your time ro learn your device, practice uploading the files, split the tracks and so on. All those skills may be useful one day on the road. Yo can also ask for social support on our FB group:

Why there are the differences in distance and elevation when I uploaded the track to my nav?

Differences of a kilometer or two in length or even 1000 m of elevation are possible and often appear after transferring the track from RWGPS to other platforms. The reasons are and other algorithms used in data processing by companies / portals, and various file formats and conversions between them, but also various digital map data. We recommend that you carefully check what the track looks like after uploading it to your own navigation device.

I do not have a dedicated GPS tracker. Would the record from the bicycle computer be sufficient as a route record or should I purchase another device?

The subject of GPS devices is divided into two categories:

  1. GPS tracker: you will get a device from us at the start, thanks to which your current position on the marathon route will be displayed on the website. Friends will be able to see where you are, they will be able to follow your actions along the route and cheer for you.
  2. GPS navigation: we provide a marathon track in gpx format, which you upload to the device and it guides you to the finish line. Most often, such devices also record the driving mileage and can be used as a GPS logger required by the regulations. If the device will be able to work the whole time you are driving and you can use it to record a gpx file, then it will be enough for us.