PGR2020 Route

This is the route of Poland Gravel Race 2020. It leads, as in the premiere edition, through the Przemyskie Foothills, Sanocko-Turczańskie Mountains, Bieszczady, Low Beskids and Sądecki Beskid. But it doesn’t end there. We promised you to slightly increase the distance to cross these magical 500 km, so this time we will pass Krynica by and continue on.

Link to route checking summary:

To download GPX file click here and chose “Export GPX File” from column on the left.

Bieszczady & Low Beskids

The Bieszczady Mountains section remained practically unchanged from the premiere edition, up to the Osława River, where we will treat ourselves to a lovely ford crossing between Mików and Duszatyn. In the Low Beskids, we led through Ożenna, Radocyna and Banica.

Sądecki Beskid

This time we will visit Beskid Sądecki more. We will go through Tylicz and further along the Muszynka valley to Powroźnik. Further on, Wierchomla, Piwniczna and Rytro. From Roztoka Ryterska we will go to Radziejowa and then to Szczawnica. We have 2 more ideas for this fragment, after route checking we’ll decide on any changes – follow the topic.

Pieniny & Tatra Mountains

We are going abroad from Szczawnica;). Three Crowns on the right. We go along the Dunajec to the Red Monastery. We go back to Poland for a while and through Kacwin again to Slovakia, from where we climb Łapszanka. There will be only one exit and one ascent (but what!) and the finish line.

Głodowka Chalet

We have planned the finish line in the Głodówka Chalet – an atmospheric place with one of the most beautiful panoramas of the Tatra Mountains. So far used to be there each year in September, now we will be in August too. Those of you who have ridden the Maraton Północ – Południe know this place.

The course of the route may be slightly changed due to the route checking planned in summer. Modifications may also result from weather conditions ahead of the marathon and forecasts for its duration.