PGR2022 – thank you

Yesterday evening the finish line of Poland Gravel Race fourth edition was closed. zym popołudniem zamknęliśmy metę czwartej edycji Poland Gravel Race. Those few days passed quickly, the memories will stay forever. Thank you for being with us and please be invited next year as well. For some of you it was already second,...


PGR2022 Info #3 Route & groups

Only 30 days left to PGR date The route is ready. We are about to work on starting lists and groups. Route This is the official PGR2022 route: Changes to the route are still possible due to weather conditions or road works.Date of the last update is indicated in the route name.Changes to...


PGR2022 Route

This is the route of PGR2022 Changes to the route are still possible due to weather conditions or road works.Date of the last update is indicated in the route name.Changes to the route will be published on PGR webpage and Participants will be notified by emai This is the official PGR2022 route. Changes to...
