PGR2023 Info#1

Only 40 days left to PGR date

Let us present to you preliminary information on the preparation and organisation of PGR2023.

Starting list

  • Registration is still open with no limits till 4.07 
  • If you are registered and not paid please pay by 4.07. After this date unpaid entries will be moved to waiting list with no guarantee to the main list nor to racer’s pack in a full extent.
  • If your plans have changed you can, till 4.07, recover part of the entry fee or get a voucher for another of our events in 2023 season. Details here:

Starting groups

  • If you want to start in one group with your friends, all of you must choose the same starting group. If you didn’t do it during enrolment – edit your registration on B4sportonline by 4.07.
  • After 4.07 modifications of starting groups are disabled. Therefore we won’t be able to  process your requests after this date. 
  • Instructions on how to change your starting group can be found here (point 4&5).


There are still free rooms at the finish line in Glodowka. You can book it now  and make the payment – just edit your registration on B4sportonline by 4.07.


The route will be checked by us in mid-July. We also know that some of you decide to check the route or part of it in advance.  If you find places that need to be checked / modified – let us know


The answers for most frequent questions are here: