PGR2024 Route

This is the official route of PGR2024

  • We do not plan further modifications, but unplanned changes to the route can still happen.
  • Date of the last update is indicated in the route name.
  • Before you start, Please make sure you have the latest version of the track

Poland Gravel Race 2024 route

  • It leads mostly along paved, gravel roads, and most often these are internal roads of the State Forests. Asphalt could not be avoided, treat them as a break and a link between the gravel segments.
  • On the route you will find several Special Sections (SS), up to several kilometers long. These are off-road, unpaved roads.
  • The route is a coherent whole, passable by bike.
  • We suggest gravel, trekking, expedition, mountain or cross bikes. We do not recommend the road bike, but if someone insists …

The PGR2023 route has many sections in common with the routes of previous editions, but it also has completely new sections. We encourage you to read the descriptions and reports from recons of routes from past years.

It’s challenging

80 hours time limit

Distance over 500 km

Climbs over 10 000 m

The entire route of the race runs on public roads. The road traffic regulations and traffic organisation established by the authorities should be adhered to.

To download the file click here and choose “Export GPX File” from the left column

The route may change as a result of a route check planned to June/July or due to the weather conditions.

Fords and Detours

The weather in the mountains can change from hour to hour, as well as the passability of fords. If the water level is to high and ford is not passable, please use prepared detours.
Official detours of Wiar and Oslawa fords:

PGR2024 Detour#1 Wiar
PGR2024 Detour#2 Oslawa

It is the participant decision to take the detour or not. Please keep “safety first” when making the decision.