PGR2022 Race Book

A complete guide on the organization of the Poland Gravel Race 2022 and the rules to be followed when participating in the event.


These are preferred communication channels during the event:

  • text us / SMS (phone number is provided on the plate with race number)
  • call us (phone number is provided on the plate with race number)
  • mail us

We kindly ask you to not to use messengers nor FB as the response may not come on time. During the event we are simply unable to handle all the communication channels.



Check you start time. Please arrive no sooner (and preferably no later) than 30 minutes prior your start hour.


Racers’ packs must be picked up in person at the race office, having previously signed the participant’s form.

  • Friday 5.08
    • 16:00 – 21:00 Niepodległości Square, Przemysl
    • 22:00 – 23:59 PTTK, Waygarta 3 str, Przemysl
  1. Fill in participant’s form.
    • The form will be available at the race office, clearly signed. Most probably it will be a separate table where you could fill in and sign the form .
    • Fill in your first name, last name, race number and sign the form.
    • Check (here) and memorise your race number. It will speed up the process a lot.
  2. Collect your racer’s pack.
    • Approach another table, next to, where packs will be distributed.
    • Return the from. Collect the pack.

The racer’s pack contains:

  • Race number pate to be fixed on your bike with zip-ties (included),
  • Drop bag label,
  • Cycling cap with your race number ,
  • PGR mug or pair of PGR socks,
  • Chamois Butt’r from,

On Saturday we will all be overwhelmed by pre-race fever, therefore all racers’ packs shall be collected earlier. For the time being we do not plan to distribute racers’ packs on Saturday. We will adjust the working hours of the race office so that everyone who arrives in Przemyśl by the last train on Friday can still pick up the pack.


Saturday 6.08, half an hour prior to your start time.
Niepodległości Square, Przemyśl.

We will use Trackcourse platform for race live tracking. Each participant will be equipped with the GPS device, size of 7x4x2cm , 60g of weight.
The device will be powered on. Fix it to your bike with stretch (will be provided) or place it in the bike bag.
Make sure the device can “see the sky” – mount on top tube or stem, do not place at the bottom if in a bag.
Trackers shall by charged in case you travel for more than 48 hours. Once you have a break on your way just connect the device with the cable provided to your powerbank or mobile phone charger.


Saturday 6.08, half an hour prior to your start time.
Niepodległości Square, Przemyśl.

We will transfer one bag of your luggage to the finish line. Bag must be labelled with the label provided in a racer’s pack. Attach the label firmly to the bag, eg. around the handle.
– 1 piece,
–  weight max. 8 kg,
–  volume up to 15 litres.
Due to logistics capabilities we will check whether your bag is within the limits. If not, we reserve the right to refuse checking in the luggage. Counting on your understanding.


Saturday 6.08, from 7:00 am.
Niepodległości Square
, Przemyśl.

Racers divided into groups of a dozen or so, are released every 5 minutes. First group starts at 7:00.
Half an hour prior your start time collect GPS tracker and check your drop bag in.



We kindly remind you once again the Regulations and Rules of Poland Gravel Race. You should have known them already before singing in to the race list. Remember, PGR is a self supported race, where all have equal opportunity. Therefore:

  • No drafting (behind non-participant, car…), no e-bike. It is forbidden riding a bicycle other than powered solely by the strength of one’s own muscles,
  • Friends and family are not allowed to supply you with spare tube, meal or dry clothes. Support cars are not allowed neither.
  • If you have already booked your overnight en route, cancel it. It is against the rules. Arranging accommodations can be no earlier than the start of the marathon.
  • You can leave the route as long as you come back to it in the same place that you left it. Travel time is counted continuously from the moment of the participant’s start to the moment they reach the finish line.

Full text can be found at and


According to the above mentioned rules if something breaks down, you shall not call your friends or family for help, but only use the infrastructure and services available to all PGR Participant. There are not so many bike services along PGR route, but Bicycle Mechanic agreed to pick up all your calls. Contact:

The Bicycle Mechanic service is not included in the package, therefore you settle with him directly. The Bicycle Mechanic is based in Krosno – it is roughly half of the route. Anticipating any questions – this is not the only Bicycle Mechanic allowed at PGR. You can use any service available to all Participants.


Rule number one is that no one will take care of your safety better than you do. Remember that under conditions of long-term fatigue, your ability to realistically assess threats decreases. If you are sleepy – stop and go to sleep, if you are tired – stop and get rest. 

The organizer may draw your attention to (and hereby draws your attention) to such dangers as loose stones or gravel on descents, harvesters or other vehicles on forest roads, barriers at entrances and exits from these roads, slippery surfaces on fords, bears and other wild animals, rapidly changing weather conditions in the mountains.
The list of the above threats is not exhaustive, so take care of yourself and keep your safety first.

Each participant is covered by accident insurance for the duration of PGR2022. The insurance provided by the Organizer does not cover third party liability towards other participants of the Marathon.

Each participant of the Marathon should have a technically functional bike. A technically efficient bicycle is understood by the Organizer as a bicycle that meets the conditions described in the regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on the technical conditions of vehicles and the scope of their necessary equipment (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2016, item 2022).

Additionally, we recommend:
– lighting adapted to the nature of the roads on the PGR route (in the terrain a slightly stronger light is needed than on the road),
– helmet,
– spare tubes and a tire, patches, tools,
– first aid kit and NRC foil (thermal blanket),
– third party liability insurance.

It is forbidden to ride a bicycle during the Marathon under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicants.

We do not plan any changes to the route, although they should not be ruled out completely (road works, weather, etc.). We will inform you about any changes by e-mail if they occur before the start of the event.

The marathon route runs on public roads, in open traffic, and participants of the Marathon are required to comply with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. The route has been checked by us, but if, for various reasons, there are impassable places on it, you should follow the traffic organization set by the local road administrator. In case of detour, please inform the Organizer (SMS).


On 276/277 kilometre there is a steep descend followed by dangerous curve. There are frequent accidents here, so be careful.


Access to water and resupply points (groceries, restaurants) on the PGR route is limited. Take this into account when planning resources and journeys. For example: the first store where you can refill water is located on the 24th kilometer of the route, and the next one on the 90th kilometer.


You have 80 hours from your start time to reach the finish line.


Your dots can be followed at
(link will be active from race start day)

Share te link with your friends an family so they can support you in this adventure. Share with them the hint as well: if dot is not moving they should first reload the page in browse 😉
Keep in mind that tracker sends your position using cellular network. Where the coverage is poor, your position may not be updated on time and your dot is not moving. And we have plenty of poor coverage areas en route of PGR.


Before you decide to pull out from the race, take your time and get some rest. Do not decide at the end of the day. Take overnight instead and check again in the morning if you still want to pull out.

If yes, this is the final decision, then:

  • Text us (SMS) or call us to inform (phone number is provided on the plate with race number)
  • GPS tracker shall be either returned at finish line or sent via parcel service at your own cost. We will provide the details by email.
  • Drop bag. Shall be either picked up at finish line or will be sent by us to you (at your cost). We will provide the details by email. Caution: It may take about two weeks before the bag is shipped.


For each of you who reaches the finish line, there will be a large dose of joy, the unique atmosphere of the Głodówka mountain chalet, companions from the route and:

  • medal,
  • finisher T-shirt,
  • hot meal,
  • cold drink.

On Monday, around 19:00, we invite you to a bonfire in the Głodówka mountain chalet .

The finish line will be open until 17:00 on Tuesday