Poland Gravel Race Regulations

PGR2022 Regulations


  1. Poland Gravel Race (hereinafter: the Marathon) is an event in the form of a tourist rally, organized by the Koło Ultra Association based in Warsaw, entered in the register of associations kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under number 0000775279 (hereinafter referred to as: the Organizer).
  2. The marathon is intended for very well-prepared long-distance cycling enthusiasts.
  3. The date and route are given in an appropriate announcement on the Marathon’s website.
  4. The time limit to complete the Marathon is 80 hours.


  1. Only persons over 18 years of age can participate in the Marathon.
  2. The Organizer admits the participation of a person over 16 years old only if he or she covers the entire route of the Marathon together with a parent or legal guardian who confirms such a starting formula by signing a relevant declaration.
  3. In case of doubts as to whether the participant is capable to compete in the Marathon, the Organizer has the right to request the participant to document a ride of at least 300 km in a non-stop formula.
  4. The final decision on allowing a given person to start rests with the Organizer.
  5. The registration details and form is available on pgr.kolo-ultra.pl/registration.
  6. The cancellation procedure is available on pgr.kolo-ultra.pl/cancellation.


  1. Mandatory equipment:
    1. a technically efficient bicycle,
    2. efficient front (white illuminating) and rear (red) lighting,
    3. GPS logger (checking the GPS trace will be the basis for verifying the route traveled),
    4. mobile phone,
    5. ID card or passport.
  2. Recommended equipment:
    1. bicycle helmet,
    2. first aid kit,
    3. spare inner tubes and brake pads,
    4. bicycle tools,
    5. spare batteries,
    6. rechargeable batteries or powerbank,
    7. backup device for navigation and track recording,
    8. double set of front and rear lighting,
    9. lighting also used during the day,
    10. clothing that ensures visibility (fluorescent clothing, reflective clothing, etc.).
  3. By a technically efficient bike referred to in point 1.1 above, the Organizer means a bike that meets the conditions described in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 31 December 2002 on the technical conditions of vehicles and the scope of their necessary equipment.


  1. The participant as allowed to the start line under the following conditions:
    1. the participant signs the declaration with own name, phone number and ICE contact,
    2. race pack is collected in person,
    3. race number is attached to the bike.
  2. The entire route of the Marathon should be run in accordance with its course provided by the Organizer. If you leave the route, you must return to it at the point where you left it (unless the participant takes an official detour designated by the administrator of the road, e.g. in the case of its renovation).
  3. Detailed information about the Marathon, including the time and manner of organizing the start, information about checkpoints, is published by the Organizer in the technical announcements on pgr.kolo-ultra.pl/announcements.
  4. The travel time is counted continuously from the moment of the start to the moment of entering the finish line.
  5. The results are available online at pgr.kolo-ultra.pl/results. The participant may submit claims on the results to the Organizer within 3 days from the end of the Marathon.
  6. The marathon takes place in normal road traffic, and the participants of the Marathon are required to comply with the provisions of the Act of June 20, 1997, Road Traffic Law (Journal of Laws of 2020, No. 110, as amended). Particular emphasis should be placed on ensuring adequate visibility of the cyclist, especially on lighting and reflective elements.
  7. Riding under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicants is forbidden.
  8. In case of any doubts, the Organizer has the right to demand proof that the participant has completed the entire route of the Marathon. Verification of the route of the Marathon takes place on the basis of the lists of participants and by the Participant presenting the original GPS trace of the route covered.
  9. Only participants who have completed the route of the Marathon in accordance with the rules of the event and within the set time limit are entitled to full benefits of the finish line (in particular, the receipt of a commemorative medal or other gifts).


  1. The marathon is a self-sufficient event, in which the participants cover the bike route on their own, and restocking and rest is only possible in infrastructure facilities available to each participant.
  2. It is forbidden to use any means of transport than the bicycle while traveling on the route. The finding of a breach of this prohibition will result in the disqualification of the competitor. The above prohibition does not include the use of generally accessible ferry connections on rivers.
  3. The following are allowed:
    1. shopping for food and equipment in generally accessible stores,
    2. accommodation during the Marathon,
    3. group riding with other participants of the Marathon,
    4. in the event of a bicycle failure – using the help of other participants of the Marathon, as well as people not participating in the Marathon, including calling the service or leaving the route; The Organizer should be informed about the necessity to leave the Marathon route.
  4. It is forbidden to:
    1. riding a bicycle other than powered solely by the strength of one’s own muscles,
    2. drafting behind cyclist other than a participant of the Marathon,
    3. riding directly behind another vehicle,
    4. use of a support car,
    5. use of own accommodation, nutrition or provisioning points,
    6. the use of bag drops on the route and any organized external assistance.


  1. Registration to the Marathon means that the participant has read the regulations, accepts its terms and undertakes to comply with its provisions.
  2. The participant of the Marathon agrees to the use and processing of his personal data by the Organizer for purposes related to the implementation of the event and placing his name and surname on the websites in accordance with the Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data, Journal of Laws 2019, item 1781) and to receive information by electronic means in accordance with the Act of July 18, 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2002, item 344). The participant has the right to request access to data, rectification, deletion or limitation of processing and objecting to processing, as well as the right to transfer data. Providing personal data and the ongoing consent to their processing are voluntary, but necessary and necessary to participate in the Marathon.
  3. The administrator of personal data within the meaning of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of May 10, 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) is the Koło Ultra Association with its registered office in Warsaw.
  4. The marathon will take place regardless of the weather conditions.
  5. Each participant takes part in the Marathon at their own risk, which is confirmed by signing a relevant declaration.
  6. The Organizer of the Marathon is not responsible to the participants of the Marathon for any damages caused in connection with the Marathon by fault other than deliberate fault.
  7. The organizer has the right to cancel the Marathon:
    1. in the event of force majeure,
    2. for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, in particular decisions of state authorities, riots, strikes, etc.
  8. The organizer is not responsible for any damage resulting from the cancellation of the Marathon for the reasons indicated in point 7 above.
  9. In disputes or not covered by these regulations, the decisions are made by the Organizer.
  10. The organizer reserves the right to change the regulations.


Regulatory penalties.